Season of Light

This show recounts the historical, religious, and cultural rituals practiced during the time of the winter solstice -- not only Christian and Jewish, but also Celtic, Nordic, Irish, Mexican, and Hopi. It takes a look at some of our more light-hearted seasonal traditions: from gift-giving and kissing under the mistletoe, to songs about lords a-leaping and ladies dancing, and the custom of decking the halls with greenery and candles. St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, and Santa Claus all drop by for a visit as well.

Purchase Tickets


Student, Child, Senior, Faculty, and Staff - Eligibility Checked at Door


Includes a free poster, early entry to the planetarium, and a meet-and-greet with the performers


General Admission to the Concert


Concert Admission for UTA faculty, staff, and students
